

Designs by Alina Blog: An intimate look at all things design, travel, lifestyle, entertaining, family and motherhood


an INTIMATE look at all things design, home, family, motherhood, and travel


Charity in the Time of Covid


My favorite book of all time is Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera, so it seemed apropos to name this post Charity in the Time of Covid.

My dear friend Deann ventured out on her birthday to a social distancing/mask celebration, her first gathering in eight weeks stating that she was ecstatic about the thought of wearing something “without a drawstring.” I took that sense of chagrin a step further when admitting to having worn precious little other than anything without a drawstring…from my husband’s closet!

That morning, happy to don something other than lounge pants, I went through my trusty pile of Raoul Textiles, an exquisite collection of hand painted Belgian linen handmade right here in our own Santa Barbara since 1981, to make myself a stylish mask. I had already played with a dozen different styles but this was the one which offered not only comfort but a good dose of chic. The moment I finished, my daughters tried in vain to stake their claim and that is when the lightbulb went off. Why don’t we raise money for Covid related needs with masks? And so the collection was born.


I am now offering these homemade masks for children and adults in gorgeous hand printed fabrics and will donate 50%* of the proceeds to Direct Relief for Covid related purposes.

*Since this post, we have decided to donate 100% of the profits generated from mask sales to Direct Relief.


Check out the full collection here.

Designs by Alina…raising funds for Covid-19 one mask at a time.

Alina de Albergaria